Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
Sweeney, A., Fahmy, S., Nolan, F., Morant, N., Fox, Z., Lloyd-Evans, B., Osborn, D., Burgess, E., Gilburt, H., McCabe, R., Slade, M. & Johnson, S. (submitted PLOS ONE, Jan 2014) The relationship between therapeutic alliance and service user satisfaction in psychiatric acute wards and residential crisis alternatives: A cross-sectional study.
Milton, A., Parsons, N., Morant, N., Gilbert, E., Johnson, S., Fisher, A., Singh, S., Cunliffe, D. & Marwaha, S. (submitted Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, Dec 2013) The profile of employees with mental health problems working in Social Firms in comparison to people in employment and under the care of secondary mental health services.
Gilbert, E. Marwaha, S., Milton, A., Johnson, S., Morant, N., Parsons, N., Fisher, A., Singh, S., & Cunliffe, D. (2013) Social Firms as a means of vocational recovery for people with mental illness: a UK survey. BMC Health Services Research 13:270. doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-13-270.
Castillo, H., Ramon, S. & Morant, N. (2013) A recovery journey for people with personality disorder. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 59 (3): 264-73.
Morant, N., Lloyd-Evans, B., Gilburt, H., Slade, M., Osborn, D. & Johnson, S. (2012) Implementing successful residential alternatives to acute in-patient psychiatric services: Lessons from a multi-centre study of alternatives in England. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 21 (2): 175-185.
Tanskanen, S., Morant, N., Hinton, M., Lloyd-Evans, B., Crosby, M., Killaspy, H., Raine, R., Pilling, S. & Johnson, S. (2011) Service user and carer experiences of seeking help for a first episode of psychosis: a UK qualitative study BMC Psychiatry, 11: 157. doi:10.1186/1471-244X-11-157.
Morant, N. & Edwards, E. (2011) Police responses to diversity: A social representational study of rural British policing in a changing representational context. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology. 21 (4): 281-96.
Dalgleish, T., Hill, E., Golden, A-M., Morant, N. & Dunn, B. (2011) The structure of past and future lives in depression. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 120 (1): 1-15.
Kuyken, W., Hayes, R., Byford, S., Byng, R., Dalgleish, T., Lewis, G., Taylor, R., Watkins, E., Lanham, P., Kessler, D., Morant, N. & Evans, A. (2010) Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial comparing mindfulness-based cognitive therapy with maintenance anti-depressant treatment in the prevention of depressive relapse/recurrence: The PREVENT trial. Trials, 11: 99.
Johnson, S., Lloyd-Evans, B., Morant, N., Gilburt, H., Shepherd, G., Slade, M., Jagielska, D., Leese, M., Byford, S. & Osborn, D. (2010) Alternatives to standard acute in-patient care in England: roles and populations served. British Journal of Psychiatry, 197 (53): s6-s13.
Lloyd-Evans, B., Johnson, S., Morant, N., Gilburt, H., Osborn, D.,Jagielska, D., Skinner, R., Leese, M., Shepherd, G. & Slade, M. (2010) Alternatives to standard acute in-patient care in England: differences in content of care and staff-patient contact. British Journal of Psychiatry, 197 (53): s46-s51.
Thrasher, S., Power, M., Morant, N., Marks, I. & Dalgleish, T. (2010) Social support moderates outcome in a randomised controlled trial of exposure therapy and/or cognitive restructuring for chronic PTSD. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 55: 15-18.
Morant, N. (2006) Social representations and professional knowledge: The representation of mental illness among mental health practitioners. British Journal of Social Psychology, 45, (4): 817-838.
Morant, N. & Manning, N. (2005) Principles and practices in therapeutic community research. Therapeutic Communities, 26 (3): 227-243.
Ogilvie, A., Morant, N., & Goodwin, G. (2005) The burden on informal caregivers of people with bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disorders 7 (Suppl. 1): 25-32.
Johnson, S., Bingham, C., Billings, J., Pilling, S. Morant, N., Bebbington, P., McNicholas, S., & Dalton J. (2004) Women’s experiences of admission to a crisis house and to acute hospital wards: a qualitative study. Journal of Mental Health, 13 (3): 247-262.
Morant, N. & King, J. (2003) A multi-perspective evaluation of a specialist out-patient service for people with personality disorders. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology, 14 (1): 44-66.
Ramon, S., Castillo, H. & Morant, N. (2001) Experiencing personality disorder: A participative research. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 47 (4): 1-15.
Barker, S., Lavender, T., & Morant, N. (2001) Client and family narratives on schizophrenia. Journal of Mental Health, 10 (2): 199-212.
Gervais, M-C., Morant, N. & Penn, G. (1999) Making sense of “absence”: Towards a typology of absence in social representations theory and research. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 29 (4): 419-444
Morant, N., Dolan, B., Fainman, D. & Hilton, M. (1999) An innovative outreach service for people with severe personality disorders: Patient characteristics and clinical activities. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry 10 (1), 84-97.
Reid, Y., Johnson, S., Morant, N., Kuipers, E., Smuekler, G., Thornicroft, G., Bebbington, P. & Prosser, D. (1999) Explanations for stress and satisfaction in mental health professionals: A qualitative study. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatry Epidemiology, 34 (6), 301-8.
Reid, Y., Johnson, S., Morant, N., Kuipers, E., Smuekler, G., Thornicroft, G., Bebbington, P. & Prosser, D. (1999) Improving support for mental health staff: A qualitative study. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatry Epidemiology, 34 (6), 309-15.
Morant, N. (1998) Representations, communities and health. Social Science Information, 37 (4), 633-637.
Morant, N. (1998) Constructions of “mental ill-health” amongst mental health practitioners in Britain and France. In Special Issue ‘Representations, Communities and Health’. Social Science Information, 37 (4), 663-685.
Rose, D., Efraim, D., Gervais, M-C., Joffe, H., Jovchelovitch, S. & Morant, N. (1995) Questioning consensus in social representations theory. Papers on Social Representations, 4 (2), 150-155.
Hill, K., O’Brien, J., Morant, N., Levy, R. (1995) User expectations of a memory clinic. Clinical Psychology Forum, September 1995, 9-11.
Sahakian, B., Owen, A., Morant, N. & Eagger, S. (1993) Further analysis of the cognitive effects of tetrahydroaminoacradine (THA) in Alzheimer’s disease: Assessment of attentional and mnemonic function using CANTAB. Psychopharmacology, 110 (4), 395-401.
Eagger, S., Morant, N., Levy, R. & Sahakian, B. (1992) Tacrine in Alzheimer’s disease: Time course of changes in cognitive function and practice effects. British Journal of Psychiatry, 160, 36-40.
Eagger, S., Morant, N. & Levy, R. (1991) Parallel group analysis of the effects of tacrine versus placebo in Alzheimer’s disease. Dementia 2(4), 207-211.
Lees, J., Manning, N., Menzies, D. & Morant, N. (eds) (2004) A Culture of Enquiry: Research evidence and the therapeutic community. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Book Chapters
Dalgleish, T. & Morant, N. (2009) Denial. In Sander, D. & Scherer, K. (eds) The Oxford Companion to Emotion and the Affective Sciences. Oxford University Press: Oxford.
Dalgleish, T. & Morant, N. (2009) Narcissism. In Sander, D. & Scherer, K. (eds) The Oxford Companion to Emotion and the Affective Sciences. Oxford University Press: Oxford.
Morant, N. (2004) Leaving the therapeutic community. In Lees, J., Manning, N., Menzies, D. & Morant, N. (eds) A Culture of Enquiry: Research evidence and the therapeutic community. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Morant, N. & Warren, F. (2004) Outsiders on the inside: Researchers in therapeutic communities. In Lees, J., Manning, N., Menzies, D. & Morant, N. (eds) A Culture of Enquiry: Research evidence and the therapeutic community. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Manning, N. & Morant, N. (2004) Principles and practices in therapeutic community research. In Lees, J., Manning, N., Menzies, D. & Morant, N. (eds) A Culture of Enquiry: Research evidence and the therapeutic community. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Dalgleish, T. & Morant, N. (2001) A socio-historical perspective on recovered memory experiences. In Davies, G. & Dalgleish, T. (eds) Recovered Memory Experiences: An integrative Approach. Chichester: Wiley.
Watts, F. & Morant, N. (2001) Health and illness. In Burchell, B. & Hay, D. (Eds) Social Psychology. Polity Press.
Morant, N. (1998) Social representations of gender in the media. In Meil, D. & Wetherell, M. (eds) Doing Social Psychology. Sage: London.
Morant, N. & Rose, D. (1998) Madness, multiplicity and otherness. In Arruda, A. (ed) Representando a Alteridade (Representing Otherness). Vozes: Petropolis, Brazil.
Other Publications
Morant, N. with Finlay, L. (2001) The Gender Project. Supplement 52319 6, D317 Social Psychology: Personal Lives, Social Worlds. The Open University.
Morant, N. (1996) TMA05, Option 2: Social Representations of Gender in the Media. (A practical project component of D317: Social Psychology: Personal Lives, Social Worlds. 18,000 words) The Open University.
Internal Reports
In-patient Alternatives to Traditional Mental Health Acute In-Patient Care. Report for the National Co-ordinating Centre for NHS Service Delivery and Organisation R&D (NCCSDOMay, 2009. Lloyd-Evans B., Johnson, S., Slade, M., Barrett, B., Byford, S., Gilburt, H., Leese, M., Morant, N., Osborn, D., Skinner, R., Malone, N., & Thornicroft, G.
An Evaluation of Drayton Park Women’s Crisis Service, a community-based residential alternative to the acute psychiatric ward. Report to London Region NHS R&D funders, July 2001. Grantholders: Johnson, S., Pilling, P., Bebbington, P., McNicholas, S. & Dalton, J. Research workers: Bingham, C. & Billings, J. Advisor on qualitative methodology: Morant, N.
Morant, N. & King, J. A multi-perspective clinical audit of Henderson Outreach Service Team. Report to South Thames Regional Health Authority Clinical Audit Programme. September 1999.